A month ago, when Annika turned one, Geoff and I bought her a walk-along toy. Rumor had it that she used the one at daycare all of the time. Of course, as it usually goes with finicky toddlers, she refused to use the toy once Geoff and Grandpa Glenn put it together. She points to it a lot and says, "Wheeee!" since that's the noise we use to entice her to use it, but refuses to push it. Yesterday afternoon, Annika was watching Geoff mow the lawn with the push mower. I guess she thought that Daddy was playing with his "Wheeee!" toy. She immediately came inside and began pushing hers all around the house screaming, "Wheeee!" When she hit the walls or furniture, she yelled "Uh-Oh!" until I came to the rescue.
Was she tired after all of that pushing around the house??? No! Although she's still not walking yet, climbing is on the top of Butterbean's "fun things to do when Mommy's not looking" list. Eating dog food, pulling Geoff's sports collection off the shelf, and putting rocks in her mouth also fall on this list!
Speaking of Geoff's collections. . . the Duff beer plate and fake can is one of his wonderful displays. Please note that it is hidden behind the refrigerator! He looks forward to the day when we have a room for his "stuff", and I do too!