Butterbean has been napping at daycare without a pacifier for about three months now. I had casually mentioned to her teacher, Jenni, that I was going to wean her from the "paci" before she turned two in September. Two days later, Jenni informed me that Annika no longer used it at school. I told myself that I would follow suit at home.
First it was that Annika said she "needed" it. Then it was the excuse of her staying at my mom's house and being in a different environment. Next it was Geoff and I discussing that we needed the comfort of the paci on the cross-Atlantic flight to Norway.
Today, when I picked up my precious baby girl from school. She informed me that she went tee-tee on the potty after her nap.
As I praised her, hugged her, and let her call the grandparents, I realized the true reason I haven't weaned her from her paci . . .
I wasn't ready to let go of my baby.

Tonight after our normal bedtime routine, I placed her in her crib and told her I loved her. She said, "I need my paci, Mommy."
I replied, "No you don't. We don't have any more pacis, but this cute pink moose can sleep with you!"
She whispered, "Night, night. I love you, Mommy."
And she's been asleep ever since.