Annika is currently in that infamous stage of asking "Why?" about a zillion times a day.
I keep reminding myself that this is an important phase in her cognitive development. It's going to improve her reasoning, vocabulary, and allover intelligence, right?
Most of the time. . . yes.
And, let's face it, sometimes she's just trying to annoy me.
It's human nature to ask, "Why?" We like resolution in our lives. Have you ever been watching a fabulous made-for-television movie and had the power go out? Or had a call drop just before a friend was about to tel you some interesting news?
Exasperating, huh?
As a believer, I've always grappled with the question "why?"
Why do small children get terminal cancer?
Why do some people who desperately want children never conceive?
Why do countless humans suffer from starvation, illness, poverty?
Why does a woman lose her husband on their honeymoon when he falls to his death in the Grand Canyon?
Yet, these kinds of things happen every moment of every day.
Yesterday our neighborhood was hit with tragedy, and we all found ourselves asking,
once again.
Why would a loving father/husband/friend/neighbor/church member choose to take his own life?
We'll never know any of the answers to the above questions. At least, not in this life.
But, rest assured, we are being Held.
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