Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who can I turn to? 867-5309

I suppose that every working mother has a fear of missing out on something in her child's life due to her career. I know that I do. It was much worse in the beginning . . . believe it or not it gets better once your child can actually communicate what happened during her day.
i.e. Me: Annika how was your day at school?
Butterbean: Atticus screamed at me, and I pushed Atticus down because I had the Weeble Wobbles first! We went to library too, Mommy.
Nice summarizing skills, huh?
These days, the biggest reason that I feel less guilt about leaving my precious little girl every Monday through Friday is Jenni.
Jenni is the owner of Urban Explorers Preschool, and we are fortunate that she is also Annika's teacher. I first met Jenni at a community parent event. She was there advertising her soon-to-be-opened daycare in a bordering neighborhood. She was passionate, fun, and excited about her new endeavor. It just so happened that I had just received a new job and had three weeks to find a new daycare. We reserved the second to last spot the next week!
Why do I adore Jenni? She does this every single day:
(This is one of her 2008 journal entries.)

And she documented when my toddler made a pattern on her own a couple of weeks ago...

. . . and last week she saved this for me. Annika's first drawing of a person is in the top right corner.

Do I often wish I could spend every day playing, creating, imagining, drawing, singing, reading, and dancing with my sweet little Butterbean?
Of course!
But in the meantime, I'm sure glad that we have Jenni.


Kip said...

What a great picture at the top of your blog. Just beautiful. Like the one in the front hall of CHS too ;)

Anna said...

What a relief to know that Annika is in the best of hands! Her first years of life will be better documented than most!