Friday, July 16, 2010


Annika is currently in that infamous stage of asking "Why?" about a zillion times a day.
I keep reminding myself that this is an important phase in her cognitive development. It's going to improve her reasoning, vocabulary, and allover intelligence, right?
Most of the time. . . yes.
And, let's face it, sometimes she's just trying to annoy me.
It's human nature to ask, "Why?" We like resolution in our lives. Have you ever been watching a fabulous made-for-television movie and had the power go out? Or had a call drop just before a friend was about to tel you some interesting news?
Exasperating, huh?
As a believer, I've always grappled with the question "why?"
Why do small children get terminal cancer?
Why do some people who desperately want children never conceive?
Why do countless humans suffer from starvation, illness, poverty?
Why does a woman lose her husband on their honeymoon when he falls to his death in the Grand Canyon?
Yet, these kinds of things happen every moment of every day.
Yesterday our neighborhood was hit with tragedy, and we all found ourselves asking,
once again.
Why would a loving father/husband/friend/neighbor/church member choose to take his own life?
We'll never know any of the answers to the above questions. At least, not in this life.
But, rest assured, we are being Held.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Crash Course

In April 2006, I walked away from this.
It's a long story that involved hydroplaning across five lanes of traffic on an interstate and landing untouched in the emergency lane. Only to be hit moments later by a truck driving approximately 60 miles per hour while I was on the phone with my husband.
The major point, again, being I walked away.

Last Sunday, Pastor Heather, preached on how God recycles. Though he does not cause the trash in our lives, he re-purposes them into something useful.
The moment above is a great example of this.

After flying in an uncontrollable car across five lanes of traffic and landing safely, I had a few moments to revel in the miracle that had just occurred. I thanked God and then picked up the phone to call my husband because I was shaking uncontrollably.

While on the phone, a second accident happened to me-the truck mentioned above slammed into my car, which held me. Geoff's whole car, a Ford Focus, collapsed around me. The windshields both exploded upon impact, but the airbag didn't deploy.
Though I was transferred to the hospital on a backboard, I came home hours later with some small cuts on my face, some back and neck pain, and a large bruise where my leg was pinned between my seat and the door.


I am certain that this accident was NOT caused by God. But I know without a doubt, that he re-purposed this moment and used it in my life.
I knew (and know) that I had more to give, more to love, more to write, more to try,
more to share,
more to do.

I've tried to remind myself of that every day since.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wedding photos

Well, it's official. Butterbean is obsessed with weddings. Brides, veils, flowers, The Wedding March, and the first dance.
Princess Ariel and Prince Eric are the key players in this drama.
Guess which one I have to play?